Physician, author, speaker, researcher, and consultant, Dr. Rossman founded
The Healing Mind in order to raise awareness about the power of high quality mind/body self-care tools in self-healing and in the health professions. A graduate of the University of Michigan Medical School in 1969, he has had a long-standing interest in the practical importance of attitudes, beliefs, emotions, and mind/body practices in medicine and health. In addition to a busy practice emphasizing non-drug medicine and patient participation, he has taught clinical guided imagery to over 10,000 health professionals since 1982.
Dr. Rossman is the author of FIGHTING CANCER FROM WITHIN (Holt, NY, 2003) and the award winning self-help book, GUIDED IMAGERY FOR SELF-HEALING (New World Library, Oct 2000), and has written many articles and book chapters on imagery, mind/body medicine and integrative medicine. He is also the creator of dozens of guided imagery audios and home study courses for both public and professionals.
He is Founder and Director of the Collaborative Medicine Center, Greenbrae, California; Co-Director, Academy for Guided Imagery, Malibu, CA; Clinical Associate, Dept. of Medicine, University of California Medical Center, San Francisco; Adjunct Teaching Faculty, California School for Professional Psychology; and a consultant to the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at UCSF and the Rosenthal Center for Complementary Medicine, Columbia University, in New York.
Dr. Rossman is a popular keynote speaker and workshop leader who has presented more than 600 invited lectures, keynote lectures and workshops, with consistently outstanding reviews from both lay and professional audiences. He has consulted on various issues involving integrative health care with organizations such as Kaiser Permanente, Tenet Health Systems, FCB HealthCare, Stanford University, the University of Arizona, and the University of California, San Francisco.