I was interested in the letter about the fail safe apple juice and oil flush for gallstones (WDDTY vol 7 no 11).
On February 3 this year, I had a scan which the doctor told me showed gallstones.
Ten days' later, I contacted my homeopath who advised me to follow the instructions in the February issue of WDDTY. I immediately started the course and followed it exactly. [The programme recommended by the Dulwich Health Society is as follows: drink 2 litres of pure apple juice for six days. On the sixth day, skip dinner. At 9pm, take one or two tablespoons of Epsom salts dissolved in a little warm water. At 10pm, shake together 4oz unrefined cold pressed olive oil and 2oz lemon juice and drink. Go to bed immediately and lie on your right side with your right knee drawn up towards your chin. Remain in this position for 30 minutes before going to sleep. Prepare another Epsom salts solution in case you need it in the middle of the night. The next morning, you should pass stones that are as soft as putty.]
By midnight on February 18 the epsom salts had done their work. At 8am, the next day I passed two bright green "peas". At 11am, I passed five softened stones of approx 2cm long, about 12 more pea size and about 12 more smaller ones. During the afternoon I passed several more.
On February 20 I attended a pre arranged appointment with my GP to discuss the result of the scan. She was totally shocked when I described my experience and asked me to explain every detail. My GP had never heard of a "flush" and told me she would have definitely recommended an operation. The stones have been sent for analysis.
I thought: What Doctors Don't Tell You? What Doctors Don't Know!
I am extremely grateful to my homeopath and WDDTY for a simple, painless and quick way of eliminating the stones. JS Macclesfield, Cheshire.