many different flavors of herb tea, all of which are much healthier for you
than caffeine. Give them a try and you'll probably find at least one flavor
you really enjoy. (Be careful to select the totally decaffeinated herb teas.)
I just can't imagine life after coffee. What about decaf? Decaf
coffee removes about 95% of the caffeine, which is a great improvement.
Water-processed decaf is probably your best alternative unless you are under
homoepathic treatment, in which case, as mentioned above, it will interfere
with the remedies.
What if I just can't quit? Hypnosis, parts therapy, visualization,
detoxifica- tion diets, fasting and cleansing, and supportive nutritional
supplements are all therapies whch we find helpful to relieve people of their
caffeine habits. By getting in touch with your inner strength and resolve and
by satisying you desire for caffeine in deeper, more meaningful ways, you can
become free of caffeine behind and feel better than you ever imagined!
Drs. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman are naturopathic and
homeopathic physicians and cofounders of the Northwest Center for Homeopathic
Medicine in Edmonds, WA. They are coauthors of The Patient's Guide to
Homeopathic Medicine and Beyond Ritalin: Homeopathic Treatment of ADD
and Other Behavioral and Learning Problems. They can be reached at (206)