Sammie's sleep was disturbed and restless (3).. His mother slept in the
same room with him,and reported that he awakened frequently and wanted to be
carried. She was afraid that he would have seizures during the night if his
fever got too high. He tended to uncover himself in bed. Sammie achieved the
normal developmental milestones and there was no signi-ficant family medical
That is the case. Study it and when you have decided on your
prescription, turn to page ____ for the discussion and follow-up.
Sammie was given a single dose of Cina 200c. He was not seen for
nine months after this initial prescription. On follow-up at at that time, his
mother reported that he was completely well within 3 days of the remedy and
suffered from no more febrile seizures or colds for seven months. At that time,
he had two seizures during an URI and was treated by the original homeopath.
The mother had not attibuted his long-term improve- ment to the Cina, because
she had not brought Sammie in for adequate follow-up visits as recommended.
At this point we gave Sammie another dose of Cina 200C. We assessed that
the first dose of Cina had lasted for seven months, then he had relapsed. His
mother reported that he had had no seizures after the second dose of Cina.
After the remedy, a cough appeared for one day. His bowel movements, which had
been loose, firmed up. His sleep was much less restless, for 3 weeks, then a
little restless again in the last week. He crawled on his hands and knees in
his sleep once, a typical Cina symptom. He had fears of monsters and bad guys
for a few days after the remedy.
He was a lot less demanding and less dependent. He would play by himself more.
He had not had any colds, even though he had been exposed. He still talked and
occasionally screamed in his sleep. He woke between 2 and 4 A.M. He would sleep
with covers now. He drooled in his sleep. He had a desire for vegetables and
oranges and was averse sausage. He had a fever of 100.8 once one month after
the second dose of Cina, but no seizures.
At this follow-up it appeared that the Cina had definitely worked. He had
some emotional aggravation and a slight cough, then improved dramatically, with
no further seizures. While on vacation one month later, his mother gave him one
more dose of the Cina prophylactically. We would not have advised her to do
this, since he had received the previous dose only one month before. Giving two
doses so closely can, at times, cause a disruption in the homeopathic
treatment. It doesn't seem to have interfered in this case. He continued to do
well, and now, one year after the original prescription, he has had no more
seizures and only an occasional cold. The boring in his ears is much less and
his temperament has improved markedly. He is no longer obstinate and has no
temper tantrums. He has learned to say "please" and is much less demanding.
Sammie's case brings out several key points of the remedy Cina
(worm-seed). Cina children (and it is pre-eminently a children's remedy)are
cross, obstinate and willful. They like to be carried and are very demanding.
If they are given what they ask for, they sometimes throw it away, like
children needing homeopathic Chamomilla. Cina children are also prone to sleep
disturbances, scream in their sleep and have nightmares (commonly called night
terrors among homeopaths). Children needing Cina are prone to colds and severe,
spasmodic coughs. Cina can be an effective remedy for whooping cough in some
children. Cina is indicated in high fevers when the child has a clear tongue.
They often have ear problems, like Chamomilla, and tend to bore in their ears,
as Sammie did. They also inveterately rub, pick and bore into their noses. Cina
children can have worms, and Cina has also been used herbally for worms.