l0. Find your inner peace and hold on to it. There is nothing more important in life than finding that still center within you from which you can face all of life's challenges. Use whatever techniques you need to in order to discover that peaceful place. We'd be happy to help. Whenever you have a decision to make in your life, ask which solution will bring you the greatest peace of mind and decide accordingly.
ll. Connect with your Source as often as you can. Whether you want to call it God, Divine Spirit, Higher Self, Inner Guidance, Universal Love, or whatever, doesn't matter. What is important is that you are able to tap into that highest source of knowlege, inspiration, intuition, love, and guidance. The more often you are able to act from a place of connectedness and union with Source, the more wonderful your life is likely to unfold.
12. Treat the earth well. We can't live without her! Use the least toxic materials possible in all aspects of your life for your own sake as well as that of Mother Nature. Recycle, garden organically, live lightly on the earth, and be conscious of your effect on the environment. Environmental contaminants are increasingly implicated as causes of cancer and other degenerative diseases. Live according to the laws of nature.
l3. Do the best you can and trust others to do the same. We're all here to learn our own unique lessons. It's hard enough to figure out our own lessons most of the time much less try to figure out each other's. We are here to work on ourselves. Criticism, gossip, and rumors will ultimately lead to unhappiness and suffering.
14. Stay light. Don't take yourself and your life too seriously. The more we can take our lives with a grain of salt and take a few steps back to look at our lives objectively, the easier we'll make it for ourselves. Getting stuck in our own pain and suffering and "mellow dramas" always makes things worse. Keep your life in perspective and remember what's really important: loving staying connected with your Source, and serving.
l5. Ask for help when you need it. We're all here to help each other. It makes our hearts feel warm when we know we've made someone feel better. Help is always available to us in some form or another, even though we may not always see it. Don't forget to ask for it!
l6. Create a refuge for yourself. Try to create a living situation for yourself that is calming, nurturing and really feels like home. Surround yourself with objects, pets and nature which support your peace. Create a sanctuary inside of yourself, regardless of what disturbances might be happening on the outside.
l7. Take care of your body. It's the only one you've got for now. Your body is your temple. If you treat your body with kindness and attention, it will be your friend for life. Listen to your body and know that any symptoms carry a message for you. Use the gentlest and least forceful healing methods whenever possible. Give your body plenty of rest, lots of fresh air, and pamper it when it needs it.
l8. Enjoy sex as loving communion. Sex is a sacred opportunity to conect intimately with your partner and to share mutual pleasure and love. ët's a means to connect with the Source of Divine Energy which is the spark of our creativity on all levels. Share your sexual energy consciously, lovingly, and passionately.
19. Embrace nature as your healer. Walk barefoot in the grass, cool yourself in mountain streams, draw fresh air into your lungs as deeply as possible. The trees, sky, flowers, waterfalls, wind, and rainbows are gifts to fill us with joy, peace and healing. Spend as much time communing with nature as possible. Invite the unlimited healing power of nature into your life so that you can be invigorated, revitalized, and rejuvenated.