Perhaps the same effort is taking place in health care, where the scope of the problem can be solved not by one leader or care-giver, but by a team of professionals who make up the infrastructure of the health care picture.
As the scope of medical science changes in this decade, so too is the scope of clinical practice. It remains to be seen what the next few years will hold for a country with an overburden health care system, a total reduction in medical school graduates, and an eye on prevention as one means of reducing the burden of illness on society as a whole.
1. Maryland Bodywork Reporter. Supreme Court Denies Maryland Request. vol. 2, No. 11, November, 1991.
2. Willert, G. The practice of physical therapy and massage therapy - A cooperative approach. Massage Therapy Journal. 29;3:42-47, 1990.
3. Seelig, M. Nutritionist licensing meeting. American College of Nutrition Newsletter. May, 1991.
4. Rodale, RI (editor). Should nutritionists be licensed? Prevention Magazine. September, 1986, pp. 72-74.
5. KCET television, Los Angeles. Made In America. PBS Public television series. Aired August 27, 1992.