Don’t live on the harm farm, where no matter what you do ends up out of balance or so it seems. Re-learn to think positively and act confidently. Read the biographies of those who have overcome great obstacles to live fully and use their inspiration as motivation. Live simply, Live well!
8. Where can we go to Heal? The answer lies within. Some people tap their deeper levels only when they get away from home or work and their everyday world. This may involve a retreat or just going into Nature. Others may benefit from some workshop or therapy program. Getting out of the way, relaxing and letting things flow allows healing to happen—it’s a natural experience our body wants. When everything is flowing through our channels (blood, lymph, energy), we are healthy and vital. Tune in and go to your stress; allow the conflicts to surface. Also, allow your dreams to bring you insight and give you passion for action.
Dream Exercise for Healing—Before you go to bed, write down these three important questions and then meditate on them a few minutes as you drift off to sleep. Our subconscious has the answers we need to solve our health dilemmas if we are willing to listen to this innate wisdom. Make sure you write your questions on paper, ideally in your personal journal as this brings them into form.
- Body, why am I experiencing this problem (you can be more specific to your concern) right now?
- What do you wish to tell me?
- What is needed for healing?
Or use some variation of these questions, and you can make them specific to your personal issues. This is also a technique in guided imagery work to have an internal dialogue with the wise part of your self. Give this a few nights or even weeks to see what comes back; you may be surprised and delighted, and certain conflicts may be resolved.
9. Shifting and balancing with the Seasons is vital to Staying Healthy. Being aware of your own cycles within Nature’s is a key knowledge to acquire and use throughout life in regards to personal choices, activities, diets, etc. How did you feel last year at this time and what were your dreams then and now? If you journal these things, you’ll have some reference for yourself and this will help you learn. Tune in and you'll find yourself in there; yes, you're in up with yourself and have some fun. Discovering the many dimensions and mysteries of our humanness can be quite an adventure. We were all gifted with treasures, that is the gold at the end of the rainbow of love. We are loved...we are love, love is all around us, let us celebrate and radiate love, which is healing. There is love to light the first book, Staying Healthy with the Seasons, is a guide book for traveling through the cycles of light and dark and the effects on inner and outer climates.
10. In summary, imbalance occurs primarily from a dominance of thoughts or excessive, stressful emotions, or from a diet that causes congestion or deficiency (too much or not enough, usually both). And the balance and healing lie in the inner work and enhancement of spirituality as my friend Howard Schechter, PhD. States in his insightful and helpful book, Jupiter’s Rings: Balance from Inside Out (White Cloud Press, Ashland, Oregon). Explore all parts of yourself and work/play to integrate them by working through weaknesses and other challenges, and allow yourself to become your full and true Self. Blessings to you all.