This moment of suddenness and energy and surprise. This moment of wonder and awe. This moment of beauty and Silence. This moment of light and stillness.
The sound of things breathing is the sound of Silence coming awake...opening its eyes....smiling...can you hear it? The one primordial Silence shaking off dreams and nightmares, awakening to the morning of its own glory...
Listening like this is magic. The deeper we listen, the more we become awake...not listening to our own mind, to our own thoughts, to our own compulsions, but deeper listening...listening to cells speak their ancient secrets, to what is deep within all of life...the very force of life, the very breath of life...can we hear this now? It is here....between our own thoughts...between our the vast spaces between....Can we hear the deep movement of life now, in this moment? Can we give our full attention to that Silence coming awake within us...taking us...holding us....rousing us from our trances of self-interest into something more magical...beyond words...beyond imagination...the simple present...the awakened present?
Yes, it is like heat, like a current...a presence....listening to the breath within the breath, we feel this...and this feeling, this presence...this is Silence...creator of the universe...coming awake within us, as truth to our life to our joy to our freedom to our bondage…giving ease to our love to our peace to our conflict.
Can you feel this awakening of pure Silence now, where it lives, in this moment? Nowhere else....just here, and now, within and without…
Don't be afraid of depth, of stillness, of Silence, of beauty...don't turn away...don't be too busy, too agitated, too distracted....listen...deeply...with your whole being....listen to what is moving in the still and silent places where we can’t see with our eyes, where we can't know with our mind, where we can't control with our fear, where we can’t even though love itself were speaking in a whisper, softly, from the deepest part of our own being...speaking...are we listening?
And when we hear it, when we hear this awakening of truth within us, will we give ourselves to it, fully, completely, wanting never again to sleep, but to remain awake, to become the awakened Silence that is our true beauty, our true body, our true mind, our true purpose, our true path, our true heart?
It is here, within. And seeing it within, it is everywhere. Only that. Only that one reality, radiant, shining, beyond words, beyond thought, beyond all concepts, dreams, and wishes. It is the simple, uncluttered eternal present awakening within us, as us. Do not betray your own truth, the deepening truth of this moment, the deepening truth of your listening, the deepening truth of your loving. All within this moment. All within your pure soul.
Listen to your own Silence. Love your own Silence. Share your Silence. Let your Silence consume all doubt, all fear, all vanity, all pain. Love what comes from within you, silently, to orbit the world, and you, orbiting the world, re-enter the world as a shower of sparks in the unbroken soul of Silence.
This is the true Silence. The Silence of our true being which lives beyond words and concepts. It is so true, so real that everything falls silent before this Silence. Silence is simply giving ourselves to our true Self, and never looking back, never having a second thought, never having a doubt, ever again.