The effects of treatment with diet are not subtle. In a study done at the University of Washington, it was found that women who ate 1 or 2 servings of fish a week were 22 percent less likely to have rheumatoid arthritis. Those who had more than 2 servings a week were 43 percent less likely. Those who had deep fried fish (usually fried in omega 6 fats), however, were more likely to have rheumatoid arthritis. In another study done in Scotland, 64 men and women with rheumatoid arthritis were given fish oil. They began to feel better in three months. By one year, they had decreased NSAID medicine use by 40 percent. There is also evidence suggesting that fish oil helps heal the joints and may decrease osteoporosis as well.
Unlike prescription medications, which can result in quick results (but some such as like steroids and NSAIDs cause long-term toxicity), natural and dietary therapies take longer to see the full effect. They are more likely, however, to build up and heal your system. I find that benefits usually start to be seen by 6 to 12 weeks and continue to build over years as the person gets healthier and healthier. Because of this, I tend to use medications as an initial “band-aid,” while the natural therapies heal the underlying problem over time.
What Natural Anti-inflammatories Can I Use?
In addition to using fish oil, it can be very helpful to use the End Pain formula(by Enzymatic Therapy), which contains willow bark, Boswellia (also known as Frankincense), and cherry. These natural elements can wonderfully decrease both pain and inflammation.
Can You Summarize What I Need to Do?
If you have excess inflammation, your body can often repair the damage over time. This means decreasing sugar and simple carbohydrates (keep chocolate but make it sugar free), increasing protein and healthy oils (e.g. fish, olive, nuts), and getting optimal nutritional support (e.g. the Energy Revitalization System vitamin powder). Use the End Pain formula to decrease inflammation. Your dietary changes can actually be simple (similar to the Atkins' diet but using healthy fats), and will leave you younger-looking, thinner, healthier, and feeling great!