Dr. Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopathic doctor. She is a writer, researcher, and health advocate. Here most recent book is Death by Modern Medicine written with Trueman Tucks. She is a health advisor to yeastconnection.com and curesnaturally.com. Her website is carolyndean.com.
The Miracle of Magnesium is written for both the lay public and practitioners. It is packed with hundreds of journal references that will convince doctors of the importance of magnesium and its efficacy in dozens of conditions—before reaching for the prescription pad.
This article originally appeared at www.mercola.com in 2004.
Blood Ionized Magnesium Test
Drs. Bella and Burton Altura. State University of New York, Health Science Center at Brooklyn, New York, New York 11203, USA. (718) 270-2194 or (718) 270-2205.
Intracellular Magnesium Test
Dr. Burton Silver at www.exatest.com
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