Redwood: To what degree are your approaches, as outlined in Brain Longevity, being used by other physicians? Are you training other doctors?
Khalsa: We're in the process of setting up a training program. I was ahead of the curve, but there are now many doctors who are interested in anti-aging medicine or an integrated approach to medical care, and are using similar methods. Everyone's using gingko. Even the conservative medical establishment is offering gingko now, often in cocktails where they might give a patient vitamin E, Aricept, estrogen, and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which I think typifies the silliness of the way they do things. I think if there is inflammation, you should find out why the inflammation is there.
Redwood: Are you working on another book at this point?
Khalsa: My next book, which will be out by next spring is called Pain Cure, and it's on healing chronic pain. My third book, which I'm working on now, is on creating a spiritual life.
Redwood: Is there anything else you'd like to mention?
Khalsa: The one other thing I'd like to mention is that there are non-cognitive benefits of the Brain Longevity Program. Aside from reversing memory loss, this program helps people to develop wisdom and awareness, and helps people to learn more about themselves. It's about giving back to society and making the world a better place.
Daniel Redwood, a chiropractor, writer and musician who lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia, is the author of A Time to Heal: How to Reap the Benefits of Holistic Health and Contemporary Chiropractic. Dr. Redwood is also Associate Editor of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. An extensive collection of his writing is available on the World Wide Web at He can be reached by e-mail at
©1998 Daniel Redwood