I received a thought provoking email this morning from (name withheld), who was diagnosed with both CFIDS or Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and HIV-Negative AIDS. While her case may be something extremely rare, it might also be more common than we believe. Indeed, Karen believes that there is a connection between her suffering and all those cases of AIDS sufferers who are HIV negative.
It is not widely known that there is AIDS without the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. The media are quiet about this as it just does not fit into the current paradigm. Just days ago, the CDC has issued a recommendation that HIV testing should be routine for all people from 13 to 64 years old, so they can receive the treatment which generally consists of highly toxic retroviral drugs that destroy human DNA, killing the patient in most cases.
This recommendation flies smack in the face of what the HIV test manufacturers say about their products. If you carefully read the package inserts, you find that there is no certainty that any of the tests actually pinpoint a virus, and what they do find is little more than stressed protein fractions. For anyone wishing to go down this particular rabbit hole, Liam Scheff has done the groundwork. He put together and commented leaflets that come with the tests and instructions for the interpretation of test results, in several articles on his blog. Here are the links.
Report of a False-Positive HIV Test Result and the Potential Use of Additional Tests in Establishing HIV Serostatus
Reveal Rapid Test
HIV ELISA Test - Vironostika
UK HIV Test Guidelines - Official
HIV Interpretation Presentation - Australia
HIV test Interpretation Strategy Paper
OraQuick Rapid HIV Test Label
CDC instruction/quiz for HIV test interpretation
HIV Screening In Russia - False Positives
So the tests are calibrated not against a virus but against "known risk groups" and their blood parameters. Worse than useless, when we consider they are the basis upon which a cocktail of toxic retrovirals is prescribed that supposedly are keeping the virus from replicating. What about those people who suffer from "HIV-NEGATIVE AIDS"?