I am dismayed by the unnecessary drugging of children, and the tendency to
prescribe more drugs for kids on an ongoing basis. With the obvious
ineffectiveness of cough suppressants for children’s ailments, more
children are being put on inhaled steroids, often for an indeterminate and
interminable amount of time. An infant or preschooler develops a persistent
cough, and a quick diagnosis of asthma will often lead the pediatrician to
prescribe daily steroids to prevent further episodes of coughing and
wheezing. The other situation that ends in a permanent prescription is the
diagnosis of ADD or ADHD. And schools are pressuring parents to get drug
treatment for kids who have difficulty sitting still or staying focused in
the classroom.
The really unfortunate part of these scenarios is that effective, non-drug
treatment for both of these conditions is readily available to parents
through holistic pediatric methods. Asthma in children can be significantly
improved and even cured through a combination of one or more holistic
treatments that include nutritional support, Chinese herbs, acupuncture,
chiropractic, and homeopathy. Holistic pediatric training is available for
professionals at www.healthychild.com and www.icpa4kids.org, including a
specific course on asthma treatment (Healthy Child Holistic Natural
Parenting Alternative Medicine). A directory of holistic pediatric
practitioners in your area can be found at www.hpakids.org. There is no
reason that children need to take steroids on an ongoing basis, with the
risk of their attendant side effects (growth delays and immune
suppression), if they receive holistic pediatric care.
Similarly, the conventional drugs used for the treatment of ADD and other
behavior problems represent only short-term symptom relief for these
problems at best. These drugs may also cause significant side effects,
including sleep problems, loss of appetite, weight loss, and tics. A much
safer and more permanent solution exists in the methods of holistic and
functional medicine, including homeopathy, Chinese herbs, nutritional
supplements, and evaluation of neurotransmitter function. Biofeedback
systems may also help these children, depending on their age.
I encourage all parents to investigate these alternatives before putting
children on these drugs, and to consider transitioning children who take
conventional medications to more effective and curative methods of
treatment. If you know family members or other parents whose children are
dependent on these medicines, you may also want to offer them these
For more detailed descriptions of asthma and attention disorders go to my
website, www.cure-guide.com and search for these terms.