Study Finds Organic Grain Crops More Profitable Than Conventional
Premium price advantage would outweigh the initial higher costs and possibly lower yields, even if organic prices were to drop by half.
By Farm Futures staff
Farm Futures, 7/31/06
Straight to the Source
Grain farmers could make more money be switching to organic grain
crops according to a new study released at last week's American
Agricultural Economics Association's annual meeting.
Records showed that organic crops fetched much more than
conventional crops: soybeans, up to $14 more per bushel; corn, up to $3
more; and wheat, up to $5 more. Organic alfalfa hay is too new to have
a track record, so researchers recorded it as selling for the same
price as conventionally grown hay.
Over four years the study analyzed both economic risks and
transition effects of switching to organic farming of the Agricultural
Research Service's Swan Lake Research Farm near Morris, Minn. The 130-acre Swan Lake farm is representative of typical corn-soybean farms in Minnesota.
ARS economist David Archer and soil scientist Hillarius Kludze
compared an organic corn-soybean rotation and an organic
corn-soybean-spring wheat/alfalfa rotation - half grown with
conventional tillage and half with strip tillage - with a corn-soybean
rotation using conventional tillage. Strip tillage involves tilling
only the middle of the seedbed. The scientists found that when strip
tillage is used with organic farming, one of the transition risks is an
increase in weeds until farmers learn to manage the system.
Computer simulations projected costs, yields and risks over a
20-year period, using yield and economic data from the four-year study,
as well as crop price records of recent years.
Another computer model projected that farmers would net an average
$50 to $60 more per acre a year by going organic, even with the highest
transition costs. The premium price advantage would outweigh the
initial higher costs and possibly lower yields, even if organic prices
were to drop by half.