Respected Physician–Legislator Sends Letter to Hundreds
of Tennessee Water Districts Advising an Immediate Halt to Water
December 6, 2006 – Dr. Joey Hensley, a respected practicing
physician serving in the Tennessee legislature, has issued a letter
to hundreds of water districts throughout the state that distribute
fluoridated drinking water, advising the districts of his recommendation
that fluoride no longer be added to water. The letters were mailed
Monday, December 4th. (To see photocopy of letter, click
Dr. Hensley, a House Representative representing all or portions
of Lawrence, Lewis, and Wayne counties, has served in the Legislature
since 2003. In his letter he provides a sobering assessment of the
risks associated with fluoride in water, stating that “…information
is now coming out showing that the health risks associated with
drinking fluoridated water significantly outweigh fluoride’s
limited cavity fighting action.” He adds that “water
fluoridation is medication added to water….Giving an unmeasured
amount of fluoride through drinking water and not monitoring people’s
response to it makes no sense at all and violates fundamental principles
of toxicology, pharmacology, and ethics.”
He cites a new report this year from the National
Research Council that stated that infants and young children
are receiving 3-4 times the dose of fluoride as do adults, on a
body weight basis. The American
Dental Association last month quietly issued a new recommendation
that infant milk formula not be mixed with fluoridated city water,
to help prevent a teeth condition known as “dental fluorosis.”
Dr. Hensley says that “to think that fluoride affects only
infants’ teeth forming cells and somehow miraculously spares
all other cells from harm simply strains credulity.”
Pictures of dental fluorosis may be seen by visiting the following
site. Daniel G. Stockin of The Lillie Center, Inc., a firm that
has worked to stop fluoridation, says, “Brace yourself. The
photos are disturbing and not easy to look at. Scroll down to see
all of them. Dental fluorosis is an outer, visible biomarker of
a poisoning that is occurring internally, akin to the bluish line
that appears in the gums of people poisoned by lead. If fluoride
does this to teeth, what do you think it does to soft tissues like
thyroid glands or kidneys? And the Centers for Disease Control last
year admitted that 32% of school age kids have some form of dental
fluorosis, with around 3 – 4% of blacks and Mexican Americans
ages 6 – 39 experiencing the moderate and severe forms, compared
to just under 2% for whites.”
In light of the ADA’s new recommendation, Hensley asks, “If
fluoridation continues in Tennessee, who is going to pay for poor
families to use bottled water for formula mixing?” and “How
will all mothers and caregivers who need this information obtain
it?” Dr. Hensley tells the districts.
“You may be told that a number of federal agencies and dental
associations still support fluoridation as safe and effective. A
number of other countries think otherwise.” Included with
the letter is a partial list of cities and countries that have rejected
fluoridation, including countries that have no form of salt fluoridation
or water fluoridation, such as Belgium, Sweden, and Denmark, but
who have cavity rates as low or lower than the United States according
to the World Health Organization.