Shaman as a whole does bring balance between
the body, mind and consciousness and balance to the
three bodily humors, vata-pitta-kapha. It cleanses the
physical body, subtle body and causal body.
According to Ayurveda, every soul is immortal, every
soul is sacred, and to understand the individual, to
understand oneself, is the foundation of life. Without
this self knowing, life has no meaning. So by
understanding the basic principals of life, by
understanding one's own constitution as explained in
the Ayurvedic literature, and by understanding the
exact nature and structure of doshic aggravation, one
can follow the proper guidelines of shodan, cleansing,
and shaman, palliation and pacification.
Rasayana, Rejuvenation
Rasayana has three sub categories: restoration of
tissues through herbs, minerals and exercises;
re-virilization, which is restoring vitality to the system;
and longevity, slowing or stopping of the aging
Satvajaya, Mental Hygiene and Spiritual Healing
The categories of satvajaya include: mantra,
(sounds), yantra (physical devices), tantra (directing
energies in the body), meditation, and gems, metals
and crystals, specifically given for the imbalance or
Ayurveda and Relationships
According to Ayurveda, our life is a relationship;
the relationship between you and your spouse,
girlfriend and boyfriend, and parents and children.
Equally important is the relationship with yourself,
your relationship between the body, mind and
consciousness, and the inner relationship between
vata-pitta-kapha. These relationships are life, and
Ayurveda is a healing art which helps bring clarity in
relationships. Clarity in relationships brings
compassion, and compassion is love, therefore love is
clarity. Without this clarity, there is no insight.
Ayurveda is an art of insight which brings harmony,
happiness, joy and bliss in our daily life, in our
relationships, and in our daily living. Ayurveda, can
definitely bring longevity to life. It can bring a quality
of consciousness, such that one can get insight to deal
with one's inner life, one's inner emotions, one's inner
hurt, grief and sadness. Ayurveda is a total healing art.
© Dr. Vasant Lad, The Ayurvedic Institute
For more information on Ayurveda and services offered,
please contact:
The Ayurvedic Institute
11311 Menaul NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112
(505) 291-9698