As a gynecian remedy it has been employed to relieve irritation of the reproductive organs as if dependent on congestion. It controls chronic inflammatory states of these organs and gives tone in cases of debility. In the sexual disorders of the female it is indicated by tenderness and pain in the uterus, in debilitated patients. It has been very successfully used in cases of
hysteria to overcome the attack, and to relieveovarian, or mammary pain, or irritation when accompanying that disorder. Chronic corporeal, or cervical endometritis, metritis, ovaritis, ovaralgia, uterine leucorrhoea, amenorrhcea, and dysmenorrhoea, are conditions in which it has been most successfully employed. It has an established reputation as a
remedy for rheumatism of the uterus, with nervous excitement, for uterinecramps attending menstruation, and for menorrhagia, depending on uterine subinvolution.
As an antispasmodic it has been employed in chorea and epilepsydue to diseased states of the sexual organs, but with varying results. It is better suited for spasmodic intestinal affections, flatulent andspasmodic colic, and
cramps. By lessening irritation it has been serviceable in cystitis, urethritis, chronic nephritis, and albuminuria. Spasmodic retention of urine is relieved by it. It is a good remedy for some cases of rheumatism, though not so valuable asCimicifuga."
Cook say's that "It is a moderate diffusive, stimulating and relaxing in about equal degrees, spending its main powers
upon the nervous system. These qualities make it one of the very best of antispasmodics, to relieve nervous feebleness with irritability, as in crampings of the bowels, twitching of the muscles in typhoid and parturient cases, hysteria, painful menstruation, colic, etc. Its efficacy in these cases is remarkable; and it is also a valuable adjunct to other suitable agents in the treatment of puerperal convulsions,
epilepsy, and chorea.It enjoys deserved reputation in neuralgic forms of rheumatism, especially that form which passes with some as chronic inflammation of the womb. It sustains the nervous system, but at the same time soothes it; and is of especial service in strengthening and relieving painful functional difficulties of the female generative organs.
It is one of the most valuable of all parturients, when the uterine action is
becoming weary; in which case it may be combined with the Composition Powder; or with Cypripedium and a very little Capsicum (or Bayberry)added when depression is considerable.
It promotes diuresis apparently by sustaining the pelvic nerves; and in the same way strengthens the uterus in leucorrhea and insufficient menstruation; yet can not properly be classed as either a diuretic o remmenagogue.
By the same kind of action, at is useful in weak kidneys, albuminous urine, chronic difficulties of the prostate, nervous restlessness during pregnancy, and previous to parturition to give tone and comfort to the uterus. For these several purposes, it is generally combined with other suitable agents, such as Aralia racemosa, Mitchella, uva ursi, Convalaria, Liriodendron, etc."
Combinations : To strengthen the uterus
it may be used with False Unicorn, Motherwort and/or Yarrow. To increase its anti-spasmodic effects combine with Scullcap and/or Black Cohosh.