We all know by now that animal fat
is highly correlated to free radical damage by lipid peroxidation, which
leads to tissue destruction and breakdown of the immune system. Now for
some even harder facts. In a new report, the American Cancer Society says
1 in 9 American women will develop breast cancer. This is a significant
increase over the previous statistics of 1 in 10. The U.S. Government General
Accounting Office recently released a report which stated that "there
has been no progress in preventing breast cancer since 1971." Seventy
percent of women who get breast cancer have NO family history of it. Up
to 80% of women who get breast cancer have no risk factors at all. As many
have type A blood, which needs more research in order to alert women and
their physicians of this "risk" factor. (See the work of James
and Peter D'Adamo on paleoserology.) Documented, external risk factors include
radiation (especially at a young age), hormone replacement therapy (the
"Pill" and estrogen for post-menopausal women), and diet, especially
fat, alcohol and refined sugars.
Breast cancer is a feminist issue; there
has been woefully little federal money assigned to further research. The
recent tamoxifen study, which proclaims the toxic drug a tool for preventing
breast cancer, seems to be yet another ploy by the pharmaceutical industry
to get women "hooked" for life. (Please see National Women's Health
Network newsletter, Vol. 5/breast health 16, #4, Fall 1991). One more note
on breast cancer; a little known fact relevant to women who are good candidates
for surgical tumor removal or lumpectomies. Several studies show that women
who have surgeries performed between the first and the twelfth day of the
menstrual cycle have GREATER recurrence rates than do women who have their
surgeries after the twelfth day. Although many surgeons may not want their
schedules dictated by this finding, women will want to have as many factors
in their favor as possible. The level of estrogen in the body is an influential
factor that is often ignored. (Badwe, RA, et al. Lancet; May 25, 1991, 337:1261-1264).
Other hormonal risk factors in breast cancer include age at first period,
first pregnancy, and menopause. Early menarche and late menopause confer
a greater risk. The younger the woman at the time of her first birth, the
lower her risk for breast cancer. However, women who deliver their first
child after age 30 are at more risk than nulliparous women. (Danforth's
Obstetrics and Gynecology, published by Lippincott, 1990). All women should
receive a baseline mammogram between the ages of 35 and 40, or younger if
indicated by risk factors (American Cancer Association guidelines, 1992).
Also, please don't think that your own breast self exams, while important,
are adequate as a preventive measure to a serious breast disease.
cancer, for example, grows very slowly. It cannot be detected on a mammogram
for seven to eight years, and 6/breast health a lump would not be detected
in a breast exam by a physician for eight to ten years. Because breast cancer
grows slowly, the diagnosis is rarely an emergency. Make sure to explore
as many professional opinions as possible before deciding on a course of
therapy. Women should not feel rushed into making decisions that will affect
the rest of their lives. Another common breast "disease" is the
so-called fibrocystic breast disease. According to Dr. Susan Love, director
of the Faulkner Hospital Breast Center, staff member at the Dana Farber
Cancer Institute and author of "Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book,"
FBD is a "garbage term" that has no meaning. "It's not a
disease, simply a term for any of a variety of non-cancerous conditions
in the breast," she says. "Having it is normal." Radiologists,
for example, refer to dense breast tissue as fibrocystic disease, yet it
is not necessarily related to lumps or what can be seen under the microscope.
The consequences of this misleading definition is that research on benign
breast disease is "terrible." Her own studies have shown that
in the majority of cases, fibrocystic disease is not related to a later
cancer. However, Love points out, there are legitimate benign breast problems:
swelling and tenderness, mastalgia (severe pain), nodularity (lumpiness),
dominant lumps, infection, inflammation, and nipple discharge. Each condition
has a different physiology and must be studied separately.